Researcher Dashboard

How to Use the TMB CogSci Toolkit


To use the TMB CogSci Toolkit you will need complete a brief registration form. Once you complete the form, our team will send you further instructions and an individual login that will allow you to access the TMB CogSci Data Portal.


Available TestMyBrain Tests

The TMB CogSci Toolkit provides access to a selection of TestMyBrain cognitive tests. Please click the button below to review the TMB CogSci Test List and to learn more about the available cognitive testing batteries.

If you would like to see the full TMB Test List, please email

TMB CogSci Test List

Participant Dashboard


To access the TMB cognitive test batteries, you will need to direct your students or research participants ("participants" from here on) to navigate to the TMB CogSci Participant Dashboard at:


When a participant lands on the Participant Dashboard, they will be asked to fill out a short demographic survey. They can then launch any of the TMB CogSci test batteries. Upon completion of all the tests within a test battery a participant will automatically be shown their results, including a brief summary of their results and a unique Results ID.

If you want to be able to access the data from your participants' testing session(s), ask each participant to copy their Results ID and share it with you (e.g. through email).

We recommend testing out the full participant experience and making sure you understand it before directing participants to the Participant Dashboard.


If you want a participant to take multiple test batteries, they can return to the Participant Dashboard to complete more tests. You will need to tell them which TMB test batteries you want them to take, and in which order. They will need to share their Results ID from each completed test battery in order for you to access their data. Please include clear instructions for your participants regarding how you would like them to share this information with you, as you will not be able to retrieve data without a full and accurate Results ID.


The Participant Dashboard and TMB cognitive tests are designed for use across devices and browsers. There are some test batteries that we recommend be completed on a tablet or larger, due to complex stimuli (please see the TMB CogSci Test List).

If participants will be completing TMB CogSci test batteries on the same device, for example on the same classroom computer, they will need to click "Start Over as a New Participant" on the top left of the Participant Dashboard before each new participant begins testing.

Participant Dashboard

Retrieving Participant Results


To retrieve data from a participant’s completed test battery, you will first need to complete the TMB CogSci Toolkit registration form (see "Register", above). You will need your participant's Results ID(s) in order to access their data.


Once you receive your login info from our team, click the button below to go to the TMB CogSci Data Portal and click "Change Password" to create a password connected to the username we provided to you.

Login, enter your participant's Results ID, and download your chosen data reports. A Summary Report (test-level) and Trial-by-trial Report (trial-level) for each completed test will be available for download as CSV files from the TMB CogSci Data Portal.

If you have any questions about data download, please review the data portal "Instructions & FAQ," accessible through the link on the top right of the TMB CogSci Data Portal.


Please download the TMB CogSci Data Report Example for a full description of the report formats available, the provided data variables, etc.

TMB CogSci Data Portal

Analyzing TMB CogSci Toolkit Data

To assist with analysis, please visit our TMB Analysis Toolkit, which contains analysis tools for each TMB test available in the TMB CogSci Toolkit including: TMB test documentation, a TMB data dictionary describing the variables in the data, and a small normative dataset (N=1,000).

TMB Analysis Toolkit


If you have any questions about the TMB Cognitive Science Toolkit please email Please note though that due to a high volume of inquiries, we may not be able to answer all questions we receive through email.

Further Cognitive Assessment Support

If you would like to use the TMB cognitive tests in a funded research study or trial, please contact us about TMB Custom Studies.

In addition to cross-sectional cognitive assessment, we support alternate test forms for longitudinal studies, ultra-brief test forms for high-frequency assessment, integration with external survey providers, bulk data download/automated data delivery, and the creation of custom infrastructure for digital cognitive assessment. TMB Custom Studies allow us to continue to support free resources, like the TMB CogSci Toolkit, for the research and education communities.

For a full list of the available TMB Tests and cognitive testing resources supported by our team, please email